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يتوجب على كل منشأة صحية إكمال البرنامج التدريبي الخاص بالدليل الإرشادي للمنشآت الصحية بشأن منظومة الإعلام والإعلان الصحي في إمارة أبوظبي كما هو مذكور في التعميم رقم 26 /2023 للمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا

تهيب دائرة الصحة بجميع المنشآت الصحية والصيدلانية والمهنيين الصحيين بضرورة الالتزام بما جاء بالتعميم رقم (63\2021) والخاص بتحديث بيانات رقم الهاتف المتحرك والبريد الإلكتروني وذلك ليتسنى لكم استلام جميع التعاميم والخطابات الصادرة من دائرة الصحة ، للمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا

البحوث الطبية المنشورة من إمارة أبوظبي

نستعرض في هذا القسم البحوث الطبية التي نشرت مؤخرا من قبل خبراء وباحثين يعملون في قطاع الرعاية الصحية في إمارة أبوظبي. ويضم هذا القسم مجموعة متنوعة من البحوث الطبية القيمة التي نشرت في مجلات علمية وإكلينيكية رائدة. نهدف إلى تعزيز وإثراء المعرفة والتعاون والممارسات المبنية على الأدلة العلمية، وتعزيز ثقافة الابتكار والتميز البحثي في المجتمع الطبي.

يعد هذا القسم مرجعا شاملا للأبحاث والإنجازات والابتكارات والتي تنعكس على الممارسات الحديثة في مجال الرعاية الصحية في أبوظبي اليوم وفي المستقبل.

عنوان البحث الباحثون المجلة العلمية المنشأة الصحية
Marginal differences in preimplantation morphokinetics between conventional IVF and ICSI in patients with preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A): A sibling oocyte study Neelke De Munck ,Aşina Bayram,Ibrahim Elkhatib,Andrea Abdala,Ahmed El-Damen,Ana Arnanz,Laura Melado,Barbara Lawrenz,Human Mousavi Fatemi PLOSone ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
ART outcome after euploid frozen embryo transfer is not affected by previous Cesarean section delivery in the absence of intracavitary fluid Asina Bayram, Ibrahim Elkhatib, Andrea Abdala, Daniela Nogueira, Laura Melado, Human M. Fatemi & Barbara Lawrenz JBRA ASSISTED REPRODUCTION ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-137 ICM and TE quality significantly impact the live birth in euploid frozen blastocyst transfer cycles A Liñán Tegedor, I Elkhatib, A Arnanz, A Bayram, A Abdala, F Ruiz, U Shanker, A Akram, L Melado, R Patel, B Lawrenz, H.M Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-379 Ongoing pregnancy rate (OPR) of day (D) 7 euploid blastocysts is inferior to D5/D6 euploid blastocysts in frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles A Abdala, I Elkhatib, A Bayram, A El-Damen, D Nogueira, L Melado, B Lawrenz, H Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
O-255 Clinical and laboratory factors associated with pregnancy outcomes in patients undergoing frozen euploid blastocyst transfer R Vitorino, B Lawrenz, R Patel, L Marqueta, F Ruiz, A Bayram, I Elkhatib, H Fatemi, L Melado Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Day 5 vs day 6 single euploid blastocyst frozen embryo transfers: which variables do have an impact on the clinical pregnancy rates? Andrea Abdala, Ibrahim Elkhatib, Aşina Bayram, Ana Arnanz, Ahmed El-Damen, Laura Melado, Barbara Lawrenz, Human M. Fatemi & Neelke De Munck Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PREVALENCE OF EMBRYO PLOIDY IN IVF CYCLES "Daniela Nogueira, PhD Human M.M. Fatemi, M.D., PhD Lawrenz Barbara, M.D., PhD Rachana Patel, PhD Andrea Abdala, M.Sc. Ibrahim Elkhatib, M.Sc. Laura Marqueta, MD Asina Bayram, M.Sc. Laura Melado, M.D, PhD " Fertility and Sterility ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-377 Does C-Section history affect the live birth outcomes after IVF in case of frozen embryo transfers?  A Bayram, I Elkhatib, A Abdala, A El Damen, L Melado Vidales, B Lawrenz, H Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Prospective observational comparison of arteria uterina blood flow between two frozen embryo transfer cycle regimens: natural cycle versus hormonal replacement cycle Barbara Lawrenz, Desislava Markova, Laura Melado, Raquel Loja Vitorino, Shieryl Digma, Suzan Samir & Human M. Fatemi Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Female parental consanguinity is associated with a reduced ovarian reserve Laura Melado a, Barbara Lawrenz a b, Raquel Loja a, Carol Coughlan c, Gioia Altobelli a, Asina Bayram a, Ana Arnanz a d, Ibrahim Elkhatib a, Neelke De Munck a, Human Fatemi a Reproductive BioMedicine Online ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
SEGMENTAL AND SPECIFIC CHROMOSOMAL ANEUPLOIDIES ARE INCREASED IN EMBRYOS OF CONSANGUINE COUPLES AFTER IVI/ICSI WITH PREIMPLANTATION GENETIC TESTING FOR ANEUPLOIDIES (PGT-A) "Laura Melado, M.D, PhD Lawrenz Barbara, M.D., PhD Daniela Nogueira, PhD Rachana Patel, PhD Raquel Loja Vitorino, MD Laura Marqueta, MD Francisco Javier Ruiz, M.D. Asina Bayram, M.Sc. Ibrahim Elkhatib, M.Sc. Human M.M. Fatemi, M.D., PhD" Fertility and Sterility ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
HOW MANY EUPLOID BLASTOCYSTS NEED TO BE TRANSFERRED IN OBESE PATIENTS TO ACHIEVE A LIVE BIRTH? AN ENDLESS PATIENT-DOCTOR NEGOTIATION STORY "Ahmed El-Damen, M.Sc. Ibrahim Elkhatib, M.Sc. Asina Bayram, M.Sc. Andrea Abdala, M.Sc. Daniela Nogueira, PhD Raquel Del Gallego, PhD Laura Melado, M.D, PhD Lawrenz Barbara, M.D., PhD Human M.M. Fatemi, M.D., PhD " Fertility and Sterility ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Evolution of serum progesterone levels in the very early luteal phase of stimulated IVF/ICSI cycles post hCG trigger: a proof of concept study Carol Coughlan, R. Vitorino, L. Melado, S. Digma, J. Sibal, R. Patel, B. Lawrenz & H. Fatemi Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-201 Identifying patients benefiting from delayed-matured oocytes insemination I Elkhatib, A Bayram, A Abdala, A Arnanz, L Melado, A Eldamen, B Lawrenz, H Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-628 Do ovarian reserve markers and female age predict the rate of euploid blastocysts in IVF/ICSI cycles? L Marqueta, B Lawrenz, R Patel, R Loja Vitorino, F Ruiz, A Bayram, I Elkhatib, H Fatemi, L Melado Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
MOSAICISM INCIDENCE IS INDEPENDENT OF THE TYPE OF CULTURE MEDIUM – A COMPARISON BETWEEN CONTINUOUS CULTURE MEDIUM (CCM) AND SEQUENTIAL CULTURE MEDIUM (SCM) "Andrea Abdala, M.Sc. Ibrahim Elkhatib, M.Sc. Asina Bayram, M.Sc. Ahmed El-Damen, M.Sc. Daniela Nogueira, PhD Laura Melado, M.D, PhD Raquel Del Gallego, PhD Lawrenz Barbara, M.D., PhD Human M.M. Fatemi, M.D., PhD " Fertility and Sterility ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-569 Reduction of gonadotropin-dosage towards the end of ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI improves ART-outcome in a subgroup of patients B Lawrenz, L Melado, R Del Gallego, R Loja, C Coughlan, F Ruiz, H Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
HIGH FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH) LEVEL ON THE DAY OF TRIGGER IMPACTS NEGATIVELY THE EUPLOIDY RATE OF BLASTOCYSTS "Raquel Del Gallego, PhD Lawrenz Barbara, M.D., PhD Rachana Patel, PhD Laura Melado, M.D, PhD Ibrahim Elkhatib, M.Sc. Asina Bayram, M.Sc. Andrea Abdala, M.Sc. Ahmed El-Damen, M.Sc. Human M.M. Fatemi, M.D., PhD " Fertility and Sterility ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
P-589 Natural endometrial preparation for single euploid frozen embryo transfer increases the likelihood of live birth in obese patients  F Ruiz, A Liñán, I Elkhatib, A Bayram, A Abdala, A El-Damen, U Shanker, L Melado, B Lawrenz, H Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Ovulation induction in anovulatory infertility is obsolete Barbara Lawrenz a b, Laura Melado a, Human M. Fatemi c Reproductive BioMedicine Online ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Ovarian Stimulation, Endocrine Responses and Impact Factors Affecting the Outcome of IVF Treatment Barbara Lawrenz1,2* Human Fatemi1 Front. Endocrinol. ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Are serum progesterone measurements truly representative for the identification of an adequate luteal phase in hormonal replacement therapy frozen embryo transfers? B Lawrenz, H M Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
Correct assessment and interpretation of results determines the accuracy of any diagnostic test, and PGT-A is no exception  Baris Ata, Mina Popovic, Human Fatemi Human Reproduction ART FERTILITY CLINIC LLC
A retrospective cross sectional study on the clinical presentation of children aged of 2 month to 12 years suspected COVID-19 at Burjeel Hospital from the period of 15th March 2020 to 30th June 2020 Nashwa M. B. Eldin1 Maysa Saleh2 Bahaaeldin Labib3 Marwa Othman4 Lalu Chacko4 Daphne Mae4 Lamiaa Elnour4 Rami H. Al-Rifai5* Frontiers in Paeds Burjeel Hospital
The Deleterious effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids use on Body Builders and Comparison of Recovery of Symptoms among Treated and Untreated Subjects - A Single Center Observational Study Dr Manaf Al Hashimi Andrologia Burjeel Hospital
Correlation of Antiviral Drugs and Time to Viral Clearance in Adults with Non-severe COVID-19 Wael Hafez 1,2,*ORCID,Husam Saleh 1,Ziad Al Baha 1ORCID,Mishal Tariq 1,Samah Hamdan 1 andShougyat Ahmed 1 Antibiotics NMC Royal Hospital, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi
The Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients in Relation to The Time till Viral Clearance Dr. Wael Hafez  Journal of Clinical Virology NMC Royal Hospital, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi
Giant coronary aneurysm in an infant with multisystem inflammatory syndrome – a case report Syed Ahmed Zaki, Anas Abu Hazeem,1 and Asrar Rashid2 Heart Views NMC Royal Hospital, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi
Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium; Incorporating the ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (ECMOCARD) Acute Kidney Injury Study. Dr. Wael Hafez  BMC-Critical Care NMC Royal Hospital, Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi
Primary broad ligament endometrioid adencarcinoma Dr. Sunita Gupta Journal of Gynecology Case Reports NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi
A multi-center, cross-sectional chart review and survey to capture the Prevalence and clinical management of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular diseases in patients with Type 2 diabetes across countries in the Middle East and Africa (PACT-MEA) Dr. Dinesh Dhanwal "Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism " NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi
Diabetes and the heart: coronary artery disease Dr. Rajeev Gupta Journal of Cardiology Mediclinic Al Ain Hospital
Tricuspid Repair in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation Dr. Rajeev Gupta New England Journal of Medicine Mediclinic Al Ain Hospital
Oral Health Status in Mentally Disabled Children, Dental Care Knowledge of Parents, and the Impact of Audiovisual Oral Health Education Program Dr. Ruby Shah Medical and Research Mediclinic Airport Road
An Unusual Case of Foreign Body Inhalation Presented as New Onset “Bronchial Asthma" - Case Report Dr. Muhammad Arif Medical and Research Mediclinic Al Ain Hospital
HIGHLIGHTS FROM MIDDLE EAST RHEUMATOLOGY CONFERENCE: Middle East Rheumatology Conference of the Gulf Cooperation Council Association of Immunology and Rheumatology, November 25- 27, 2021 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dr. Fahad Fazal Saudi Medical Journal Mediclinic Al Ain Hospital
Switching from warfarin to direct-acting oral anticoagulants: it is time to move forward! Dr. Fady Gerges Springer Mediclinic Al Jowhara Hospital
Trauma system developments reduce mortality in hospitalized trauma patients in Al-Ain City, United Arab Emirates, despite increased severity of injury Dr. Hani Eid Springer Mediclinic Al Ain Hospital
An unusual pigmented lesion Dr. Murtaza Khan Wiley Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital
Empagliflozin-Induced Acute Pancreatitis and Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Dr. Hesham Metwally American Journal of Chemistry and Pharmacy Mediclinic Al Jowhara Hospital
Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effects on Bariatric Surgical Practice: Analysis of GENEVA Study Database Dr. Safwan Taha Springer Mediclinic Airport Road
Safety of Bariatric Surgery in ≥ 65-Year-Old Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Safwan Taha Springer Mediclinic Airport Road
Effectiveness and Safety of Secukinumab for Psoriasis in a Real-World Clinical Setting in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East Regions: Results from the REALIA Study Dr. Hussein Abdeldayem Springer Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital
Genomic epidemiology and emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in the United Arab Emirates Dr. Mohamed Abdel Malek Nature Mediclinic Al Noor Hospital
"Associations between Periodontitis, COVID-19, and Cardiometabolic Complications: Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Evidence" Giuseppe Mainas, Luigi Nibali, Mark Ide, Wael Al Mahmeed, Khalid Al-Rasadi, Kamila Al-Alawi, Maciej Banach, Yajnavalka Banerjee, Antonio Ceriello, Mustafa Cesur, Francesco Cosentino, Alberto Firenze, Massimo Galia, Su-Yen Goh, Andrej Janež, Sanjay Kalra, Nitin Kapoor, Peter Kempler, Nader Lessan, Paulo Lotufo, Nikolaos Papanas, Ali A. Rizvi, Amirhossein Sahebkar, Raul D. Santos, Anca P. Stoian, Peter P. Toth, Vijay Viswanathan and Manfredi Rizzo on behalf of The CArdiometabolic Panel of International Experts on Syndemic COVID-19 (CAPISCO) Metabolites THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Monogenic diabetes variants in Emirati women with gestational diabetes are associated with risk of non-autoimmune diabetes within 5 years after pregnancy Alshafi Mohammad, Hinda Daggag; Anette P. Gjesing; Lars Ängquist; Bindu Shobi; Suma Antony; Dalia Haj; Alia Al Tikriti; Adam Buckley; Torben Hansen; Maha T Barakat Metabolism Open THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Variation in human water turnover associated with environmental and lifestyle factors Yamada, Yosuke et al Science THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Post-COVID syndrome, inflammation, and diabetes Ali A. Rizvi a, Amita Kathuria, Wael Al Mahmeed, Khalid Al-Rasadi, Kamila Al-Alawi, Maciej Banach, Yajnavalka Banerjee, Antonio Ceriello, Mustafa Cesur, Francesco Cosentino, Massimo Galia, Su-Yen Goh, Andrej Janez, Sanjay Kalra, Peter Kempler, Nader Lessan, Paulo Lotufo, Nikolaos Papanas, Raul D. Santos, Anca P. Stoian, Peter P. Toth, Vijay Viswanathan, Manfredi Rizzo, The CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO) Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Associations between neck circumference and markers of dysglycaemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the metabolic syndrome independent of body mass index in an Emirati population Esphie Grace Fojas, Adam John Buckley, Nader Lessan Frontiers in Endocrinology THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
The First Report of a Real-World Experience with PCSK9-Inhibitor in a Large Familial Hyperlipidemia and Very-High Risk Middle Eastern Population Sajid Iqbal, Hani Mohamed Sabbour, Mohsin Sohail Siddiqui , Alia Al Tikriti, Raul D. Santos, Adam Buckley Clinical Therapeutics THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
"Sections 99: Ramadan Fasting Among Older Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Real-World Study From the UAE Section 106: The Effect of Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic Lockdown and the Overlapping Ramadan Fasting Period on Glucose Control in Insulin-Treated Patients With Diabetes: A Flash Glucose Monitoring Study" "Tawfik Muammar, Esphie Grace Fojas, Radwa Helal, Nader Lessan Radwa Helal, Tanveer Ashraf, Maria Majeed, Nader Lessan" The Model of Ramadan Diurnal Intermittent Fasting: Unraveling the Health Implications - Volume I THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Real-World Effectiveness and Safety of Insulin Glargine 300 U/mL in Insulin-Naïve People with Type 2 Diabetes: the ATOS Study Gagik R. Galstyan, Amir Tirosh, Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea, Maria Aileen Mabunay, Mathieu Coudert, Mubarak Naqvi, Valerie Pilorget & Niaz Khan Diabetes Therapy THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
The Relationship between COVID-19 and Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis: A Large Spectrum from Glucocorticoid Insufficiency to Excess—The CAPISCO International Expert Panel Mojca Jensterle, Rok Herman, Andrej Janež, Wael Al Mahmeed, Khalid Al-Rasadi, Kamila Al-Alawi, Maciej Banach, Yajnavalka Banerjee, Antonio Ceriello, Mustafa Cesur, Francesco Cosentino, Massimo Galia, Su-Yen Goh, Sanjay Kalra, Peter Kempler, Nader Lessan, Paulo Lotufo, Nikolaos Papanas, Ali A. Rizvi, Raul D. Santos, Anca P. Stoian , Peter P. Tot, Vijay Viswanathan, and Manfredi Rizzo International Journal of Molecular Sciences THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Ramadan Fasting among older children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A real-world study from the UAE Tawfik Muammar, Esphie Grace Fojas, Radwa Helal, Nader Lessan Frontiers in Nutrition  THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
The Effect of Coronavirus Disease-19 Pandemic Lockdown and the Overlapping Ramadan Fasting Period on Glucose Control in Insulin-Treated Patients With Diabetes: A Flash Glucose Monitoring Study Radwa Helal, Tanveer Ashraf, Maria Majeed, Nader Lessan Frontiers in Nutrition THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Ramadan Fasting and Changes in Thyroid Function in Hypothyroidism: Identifying Patients at Risk Budour Alkaf and Mohsin S Siddiqui, Tomader Ali, Ali Bakir, Kevin G Murphy, Karim M Meeran, Nader Lessan Thyroid THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Fine-scale genetic structure of the Emirates reflects endogamous and consanguineous culture, population history and geography Katherine S. Elliott, Marc Haber, Hinda Daggag, George B. Busby, Rizwan Sarwar, Derek Kennet, Michael Petraglia, Lawrence J. Petherbridge, Parisa Yavari, Frauke U. Heard-Bey, Bindu Shobi, Tariq Ghulam, Dalia Haj, Alia Al Tikriti, Alshafi Mohammad, Suma Antony, Maitha Alyileili, Shatha Alaydaroos, Evelyn Lau, Mark Butler, Arash Yavari, Julian C. Knight, Houman Ashrafian, Maha T. Barakat Molecular Biology and Evolution THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Low Detection Rates of Genetic FH in Cohort of Patients With Severe Hypercholesterolemia in the United Arabic Emirates Antoine Rimbert, Hinda Daggag, Peter Lansberg, Adam Buckley, Martijn Viel, Roan Kanninga, Lennart Johansson, Robin P F Dullaart, Richard Sinke, Alia Al Tikriti, Jan Albert Kuivenhoven, Maha Taysir Barakat Frontiers in Genetics THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Total energy expenditure is repeatable in adults but not predictive of changes in body composition Rimbach R,… Lessan N, et al. Nature Communications THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Diabetes and Ramadan: Practical guidelines 2021 Mohamed Hassanein,...., Nader Lessan,..., Tomader Ali, et al Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Weight and Glycaemic Control Outcomes of bariatric surgery and pharmacotherapy in patients with Melanocortin-4 Receptor deficiency Fojas E, Radha S, Ali T, Nadler E, Lessan N Frontiers in Endocrinology-Obesity Section THE SPECIALIST DIABETES TREATMENT & RESEARCH CENTERE - IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON DIABETES CENTRE L.L.C
Below the threshold of viability- 10 yr UAE experience Ofoegbu, Bibian; Abdelshafy, Amir; Simmons, Philip Journal of Clinical Meonatology Corniche Hospital
PDZD8 Disruption Causes Cognitive Impairment in Humans, Mice, and Fruit Flies Aisha Al Shamsi Biol Psychiatry Tawam
"The Spectrum of Inborn Errors of Immunity in the United Arab Emirates: 5 Year Experience in a Tertiary Center " "Hiba Mohammed Shendi Amna Ali Al Kuwaiti Ahmed Darwaish Al Dhaheri" "Front Immunol " Tawam
Brain Morphometry and Cognitive Performance in Normal Brain Aging: Age- and Sex-Related Structural and Functional Changes Jamal Al Koteesh Front Aging Neurosci Tawam
Self-efficacy beliefs and expectations during an Emergency Medicine Clerkship "Arif Alper Cevik David Alao" Int J Emerg Med Tawam
"The COVID-19 pandemic reduced the trauma incidence and modified its pattern in Al-Ain City, United Arab Emirates " "David Olukolade Alao Arif Alper Cevik Thiagarajan Jaiganesh" Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg Tawam
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients hospitalised with COVID-19: clinical outcomes in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Asad Khan BMC Infect Dis Tawam
Internal medicine residents' perceptions and experiences in palliative care: a qualitative study in the United Arab Emirates Dalal S Almansoori BMC Palliat Care Tawam
"The epidemiology and outcomes of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest in a high-income developing country " "David O Alao Nada A Mohammed Yaman O Hukan Maitha Al Neyadi Zia Jummani Emad H Dababneh Arif A Cevik " Resusc Plus Tawam
Characteristics and Management of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in the United Arab Emirates: Experience from a Large Tertiary Hospital "Azhar A Malik Khaled Aldahmani" Saudi J Med Med Sci Tawam
Bi-allelic null variant in matrix metalloproteinase-15, causes congenital cardiac defect, cholestasis jaundice, and failure to thrive "Aisha M Al-Shamsi Fatma Al Jasmi Jozef Hertecant" Clin Genet Tawam
Effectiveness of BBIBP-CorV vaccine against severe outcomes of COVID-19 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Ahmed Abdul Kareem Al Hammadi Nature communications Tawam
Post-RNA (mRNA) Vaccination Myocarditis: CMR Features Ali Al Shamisi Diagnostics (Basel) Tawam
HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 Alleles, Haplotypes and Genotypes in Emirati Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Underscores the Benefits of Evaluating Understudied Populations Bachar Afandi "Front Genet " Tawam
COVID-19 Encephalopathy Presenting As New-Onset Seizure: A Case Report "Abdullah Baksh Alia Hadid Thiagarajan Jaiganesh " "Cureus " Tawam
90 Y-ibritumomab Tiuxetan in B-cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Real-world Data From the United Arab Emirates Amar Lal Adv Radiat Oncol Tawam
BCG Vaccine-associated Complications in a Large Cohort of Children With Combined Immunodeficiencies Affecting Cellular and Humoral Immunity Waleed Al-Herz 1 2, Entesar H Husain 1, Mehdi Adeli 3, Tariq Al Farsi 4, Suleiman Al-Hammadi 5 6, Amna Ali Al Kuwaiti 7, Maryam Al-Nesf 8, Nashat Al Sukaiti 4, Salem Al-Tamemi 9, Hiba Shendi 7 Pediatr Infect Dis J Tawam
Combined SPINK1 mutations induce early-onset severe chronic pancreatitis in a child with severe obesity Aisha Al Shamsi "Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep " Tawam
"A homozygous MED11 C-terminal variant causes a lethal neurodegenerative disease " Aisha Al Shamsi Genet Med Tawam
"Relationship between lipid profile, inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction biomarkers, and type 1 diabetes mellitus: a case-control study " "Bachar Afandi Raya Almazrouei" Am J Transl Res Tawam
"Deep Learning-Based Automatic Assessment of Lung Impairment in COVID-19 Pneumonia: Predicting Markers of Hypoxia With Computer Vision " "Guido Hein Huib Mannaerts Jamal Al Koteesh " "Front Med (Lausanne) " Tawam
The Challenges in Diagnosis and Management of Acquired Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Consensus Report from Three Gulf Countries Amar Lal Oman Med J Tawam
"Management of Diabetic Macular Edema: Guidelines from the Emirates Society of Ophthalmology " Alaa Attawan Ophthalmol Ther Tawam
"Tuberculosis of the Heart: A Diagnostic Challenge " "Ali Shamisi Jamal Al Koteesh " Tomography Tawam
"A Multidisciplinary Perspective Addressing the Diagnostic Challenges of Late-Onset Pompe Disease in the Arabian Peninsula Region Developed From an Expert Group Meeting " Ali Hassan "J Neuromuscul Dis " Tawam
Those who speak survive: the value of the verbal component of GCS in trauma "Arif Alper Cevik David Olukolade Alao Eman Alyafei" Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg Tawam
"The Middle East and North Africa Diagnosis and Management Guidelines for Inborn Errors of Immunity " Hiba Shendi J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract Tawam
"Clinical, immunological, molecular and therapeutic findings in monogenic immune dysregulation diseases: Middle East and North Africa registry " Hiba Shendi Clin Immunol Tawam
"COVID-19 Case Management Outcomes Amongst Diabetes and Hypertensive Patients in the United Arab Emirates: A Prospective Study " Aysha Alkhemeiri "Int J Environ Res Public Health " Tawam
The impact of trauma service reconfiguration as a result of COVID-19 pandemic on outcomes of major trauma in the United Arab Emirates Dr. David Olukolade Alao 2. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg. Tawam
The mutational spectrum of non-syndromic hearing loss patients from UAE Dr. Aisha Mohamed saeed Alshamisi Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine Tawam
Clinicopathologic characteristics and patient outcomes of malignant phyllodes tumors: A multi-institution experience. Dr. Aydah Mohammed Saleh Alawadhi Journal of Clinical Oncology Tawam

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تم التحديث: 23 أكتوبر 2024

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